Cargo Shipping to Argentina? Learn About Customs Rules and Regulations for Sea Shipping to Argentina

Green shipping is the new gold

Located in the northern part of South America, Venezuela has a population of nearly 30 million. The country is divided into 23 states with the greatest population density in northern cities. If you are moving to Venezuela or shipping to the region, there are a number of shipping ports in the country including the Port of La Guairá, the Port of Puerto Cabello and the Port of Punta Piedras.

If you are interested in shipping 중국배대지 cargo duty free to Venezuela, you will need to be a citizen of Venezuela or a foreign diplomat. A diplomat is an individual appointed by a state to engage in diplomatic relations with another state, region or international agency. Duty free shipments to Venezuela are still subject to a customs tax of about 1% of CIF (cost, insurance and freight) value.

Shipments that belong to foreign nationals are subject to duty fees.

At least 3 days prior to cargo vessel arrival in Venezuela, all required documentation should be completed to facilitate the start of customs clearance as soon as the cargo vessel arrives. By Venezuelan Customs law, clearance must start within 5 working days of a shipment’s arrival; thereafter, a penalty accrues on daily basis.

As with most international shipping destinations, required documentation for shipping to Venezuela includes the following when shipping household goods:


  • Valid passport showing departure and/or entry stamp
  • A set of two original Bill of Ladings (OBL) or Airway Bill (AWB)
  • Legible inventory (no “Packed by Owner” or PBOs or “various” please)
  • Certificate of USE stamped at Venezuelan Consulate of origin (for Venezuelan citizens and Residents)
  • RIF certificate (Tax Information Registry)

If you are shipping new items to Venezuela additional rules and paperwork applies. You must provide the Andean Value Declaration Form. As of May 1, 2001, Venezuelan Customs is using the Andean Value Declaration Form. Only duty free shipments are exempt from this form.

Shipments for foreign nationals require that these forms be filled by computer, listing all items per fiscal codes by customs broker. An experienced sea shipping company can assist in this process.

Inventories for foreign nationals must provide detailed information about content, make, model and serial number of every domestic and electronic item; furniture must indicate material used (for example, wood, rattan, etc.).

Customs regulations and documentation are strongly enforced by Venezuelan customs officials, and high duty fees may result if the rules are not followed.

Normal customs clearance (when requirements and documentation conform to law) for ocean shipments will take from 5 to 7 working days from the day that documentation is presented to customs officials in Venezuela